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Letter From The Rabbi

17 Elul 5775

Dear Friends,                         

It is a privilege and joy to serve as Rabbi of Shaarei Orah, the Sephardic Congregation of Teaneck.  Ours is a warm and welcoming congregation that promotes the practice and love of Sephardic tradition.  We are a community of an extraordinary range of Sephardic backgrounds with Yemenites and Ashkenazim as well.  We have successfully created a harmonious community that unites in Rav Ovadia Yosef’s “Minhag Yerushalayim” (“customs of Jerusalem”) and love of all Jews.  Guests consistently compliment our beautiful Tefillot, Divrei Torah, successful youth groups and delicious Kiddushim.   Our Kehilla showcases a broad range of guest speakers including Sephardic Chief Rabbi Hacham Shlomo Amar, Rav Hayyim Angel, Rav Yinon Kalazan, Rav Eli Mansour, Rav Yigal Tsaidi, Adina Bar-Shalom (daughter of Hacham Ovadia Yosef), and Charlie Harary in addition to special Hag events and this year we even conducted an Israeli movie night from Israel’s Ma’aleh School of Television, Film & the Arts, as well as a couples night out where we enjoyed an evening of bowling.  

Ours is a relaxed community that is careful in observance and at the same time creates a space where every Jew feels comfortable.  We strive as a community to grow spiritually especially in regards to Tefilla (prayer) and the study of Torah.  We take special pride in the many Siyumim regularly made by our members.

Our Kehilla is located in the center of greater Teaneck, one of the most dynamic Orthodox communities outside Eretz Yisrael. Teaneck provides an unparalleled range of Jewish services such as a choice of six Orthodox elementary schools (including the Sephardic Ben Porat Yosef school) and eight Orthodox high schools either nearby or within easy commuting distance.  Yeshiva University with its myriad of learning opportunities is only a ten minute drive.  There are now two mikvaot in Teaneck and over 20 kosher restaurants.  

We are a community that joins for joyous occasions and provides support, G-d forbid, during challenging times.  We are grateful to Hashem for facilitating the completion of our beautiful Bet Kenesset which we cherish after many years of praying in a temporary location. In our new facility, we are able to comfortably seat our guests and welcome new families and individuals as well as demonstrate proper respect and honor for the Sephardic tradition.  We look forward to seeing years of growth where we maintain our Shaarei Orah devotion to Sephardic practice and culture of welcome and support.  

 Malca and I look forward to greeting you soon!
 Rabbi Haim Jachter



Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785